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New Hampshire is a state that is located in the New England region of the northeastern part of the United States. It borders with Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, and the Atlantic Ocean. This is the 5th smallest state in the country by area. It is considered as the 10th least populous city in the United States today. Concord is the capital city of New Hampshire, while Manchester is considered as the largest city in this place. Hillsborough County is the most populous county that is located in this state.

This state is very well-known for its well-maintained and organized network of the highways in the United States. There are some US highways and state highways that are crossing this state. Some popular routes in this state include Interstate 89, I-93, I-95, US 1, US 2, US 3, US 4, New Hampshire Route 16, and New Hampshire Route 101. These major routes connect some important cities in New England, for example, Manchester, Durham, Concord, Lebanon, Boscawen, etc. Many people love driving around these highways when they want to go to work or school.

New Hampshire also has some other public transportation modes that are available for the public. Passenger rail service is served by the Downeaster and Vermonter lines from Amtrak. If you want to take a bus for going to any other places in this state, you can consider taking the Dartmouth Coach, Vermont Translines, Concord Coach, and Greyhound Bus.

New Hampshire State Map


New Hampshire is ranked as the 41st most populous state in the country. It only has about 1.3 million people in this state. The density of this state can reach up to 147 people per square miles. This number put New Hampshire as the 21st most populous state in the country. New Hampshire has a median household income that can reach up to $73,000 per year. This state has the 7th largest income rank compared to the other states in the country.

Car Accident Rate

New Hampshire had about 13,700 million vehicle miles traveled in 2018. This number is necessary for you who want to know the accident rate in this state. There were about 134 fatal crashes that occurred in 2018. In this state, there were about 147 deaths during this period. This number could indicate about 10.8 deaths per 100,000 population in New Hampshire. The majority of the accidents were dominated by the car occupants.

About 59% of the vehicle crashes in this state involved the single-vehicle accident, while the others involved multiple vehicles in the accident or crash in New Hampshire. Human factors dominate the overall number of the car crash in this state. Drunk driving will be the leading factor that can cause a car accident. About 80 drivers were killed due to a high blood alcohol concentration level.

Some other factors can cause a car accident in New Hampshire, for example, inexperienced drivers, old drivers, physical impairment, sleep deprivation, drug use, etc. These factors can increase the number of car accidents in this state.

Junk Cars in New Hampshire

When you have a junk car or damaged car due to any car accidents or car crashes, you should contact us immediately. Our company, Junk Cars New England, is ready to buy any of your damaged cars at a high price. We will give a reasonable value for any of your damaged cars. When you want to know the overall value of your damaged car, you can call us at any time you want. Our company will give you an estimated price or car value for your car. Contact us today for getting the best price for your damaged car in New Hampshire. We will come to your place for picking up your damaged car immediately.

Traffic Statistics

Many people in New Hampshire love driving their cars around this state. It is very convenient to drive around this state because it has some highways that are available for the public. When you are planning to visit any cities and nearby states, you can take any of these highways that are located in this state. About 13,700 million vehicle miles were traveled during 2018. There are more than 500,000 automobiles are registered in this state. These automobiles include commercial and private cars, including taxicabs.